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Anyone who knows me, or follows me on Instagram, knows that music is a huge part of my life. It started at age 12 when I began writing songs. I write and record my feelings, expressing myself through words. I take breaks here and there, but music is a huge constant in my life. Making it, listening to it, writing about, absorbing it – it's what I love to do. 


If you know me you also know that I'm an American Studies major at UVA. I literally study American pop culture. This basically means that I have a special interest in American art and media, and all the other aspects of American life that culminate to form our present-day pop culture world. 


I have a lot I want to say, and a dwindling number of social media accounts left to say it. Mostly, I just want to write about the things that matter to me: music, creativity, art, culture. Things that have the power to change people's views and give people's lives passion and meaning.

Stick around if you're interested. 

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